Friday, September 26, 2008

An Inspiring Advertisement - The Robot Boy

All our children will become robots in the future if we continue to raise and educate our children as we are practicing now. Disagree? Let's examine our current practices.

1. Do your children play freely nowadays? I look around the learning and play opportunities that we provide for our children, there are all structured learning and play (including the sports). Everything has defined boundaries, rules and structures based on adults' standard. It is not hard to imagine that the future generations will lose the ability to imagine and create given our current practice - everything has a right-and-wrong answer, clear beginning and finish, and fixed sets of rules to follow.

2. Do your children spend at least 3 hours watching TV programs, working/playing computers and video games everyday? If yes, watch out for that! Spending too much time with the "machines" will lead to poor social skills with others. The reason behind it is quite straight forward as the time that is spent with another individual is now spending with the entertaining devices.

3. When was the last time your children and you go into woods? Never or a few years back?! A child without experience with nature is missing out tremendously. Not only physical health can be improved in outdoor play, but also enhance the children's mental, psychological and spiritual aspects. Take your kids for a walk in the park today!

Click on this link to watch an inspiring advertisement about the importance of outdoor play A television commercial in which a robot becomes a boy when it ventures outdoors.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bee Farm Visit

A Group of us went to experience bees keeping at the corn and pineapple fields last week. The green plants, blue sky and the yellow bees were indeed beautiful and inspiring! Observing the bees at a closed distance, no fear was arose. Do you know that bees rub their hind legs, so the pollens will be attached to them due to statics? Things on this planet are so well planned and designed. Life is amazing and mysterious!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Farm Trip

We organized a 2-day-1-night farm camping for a few families with adorable children lately. Before the children left the farm, they told us that they want to stay for a few more hours and even visit us again. It was so encouraging and touching! Although it was a short trip, kids had so much fun learning to sail a bamboo raft on their own in the big lake, observe the water lilies in the closed distance, play water polo in teams, catch bugs with homemade tool in the vegetables garden, walk the country path at night, listen to the noises produced by different types of insects and animals, build their own tent, walk in the woods to experience the nature, etc. Prior to the trip, I was concerned that adults might not want to have so much physical activities and prefer to sit and enjoy the view of the farm. To my surprise, these parents are extremely active and inspiring parents. It is really lucky to be their children. They participated in all the activities with full energy and shared knowledge with each other at all time. They had taught me new knowledge and skills.

I noticed that how these children behaved could be traced back to their family practices. It was interesting to watch and fun to take note of. I start to imagine how my children will look like and behave for having a mum like me.