Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Change Climate Workshop

My sister and I traveled to KL at 5:30a.m. to attend the Change Climate Workshop on 9th of August (Saturday). We made such an effort to this event because we believe that the world will be better if each of us can contribute in our own ways by taking small steps. We were the first few who attended earlier. To our surprise, the attendees were not as many as we expected. Maybe they would come on the following day as it went on for two days.

The workshop was insightful and full of useful information that we can apply to our daily routine. The main objective of the workshop was to educate public to take small steps to start from home to prevent global warming. Dr. Joanne Wun gave an inspiring talk about garbage enzyme and how it can save our rivers. I was very touched by what she has done and is planning to do. She shared that her team has been making a lot of garbage enzyme these few years. She can easily give away all the garbage enzyme to the public; however, she refuses to do so. Her reason is all those who receive her free garbage enzyme will pour it to the river with the intention to clean our rivers. After everyone has finished pouring the garbage enzyme in the drains and rivers, the water is going to stay clean for only a short period of time. How about the following months and years? In addition, our rivers wouldn't be clean and healthy because every household is still using detergents for washing dishes and clothes on the daily basis. Thus, our rivers are still polluted. After years of hard work, she has come to a conclusion is to educate public to make garbage enzyme on their own for household cleaning. If more and more people are taking the same actions, our environment will be free of pollution!

For your information, garbage enzyme is made of kitchen vegetable leftovers and fruit peels with brown sugar and water. After 3 months, it will be fermented into garbage enzyme that can be used for dish, floor and clothes washing, natural fertilizers for plants and flowers, insects repellents and so on. By using the garbage enzyme, all the chemicals used will be greatly reduced and in turn to protect our environment from pollution. Garbage enzyme can save each household money, reduce the release of methane that is the culprit of global warming from our kitchen leftovers, decompose the pollutants in our rivers, etc.

Besides the garbage enzyme, they had shown two fantastic documentaries that were An Inconvenient Truth and The 11th Hour. If you have not watched them, please take some time to view them. It is alarming for us to take actions now!

The other nice things about this workshop was I obtained many related information about energy saving, education, simple ways of living, vegetarian and more.


JungC said...

There is one product for dog poo here. It will help to disintegrade the poos to become fertiliser. Thought it was very good.

Go Nature said...

Cool! This is something new to me. There are many new eco products are created and sold in market. This is a good sign! Previously, I read about a new and green way to dispose the cooking oil. It is similarly to the dog poo disintegration product. Add something in the oil then it can be disposed safely without polluting the rivers. The other new thing that I learnt lately was the laundry balls. No detergent is needed and just the balls in the machine. Really cool!