Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Little Garden

I brought home an organic melon from a friend's yard a few months ago. To my surprise, a melon plant is growing in my little garden next to where I made natural compost from left over veggies and fruit peels from my kitchen. I didn't have a thought to grow a melon plant but it happens. It must have "escaped" from my compost basket and a life just happens like a miracle. I am so grateful for having the chance to see it growing strongly in my little garden.

Life is very exciting, isn't it? Observing the little melon plant growing bit by bit everyday, it is indeed inspiring! Given the suitable soil, temperature and water, a plant will just grow beautifully. Ah! This has reminded me an analogy from a well-known life coach named T. Harv Eker. He shared that only humans will limit our potential to grow and perform but not an animal or a plant. A pine tree will not tell itself to grow 10 feet tall only; it grows as tall as possible whenever it can. Thus, do you have set a lot of limitation for yourself? It is time to let go and live your life to your greatest potential!

Note: The little papaya tree is another surprise ino my garden.

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