Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why does a 7-yr-old Boy Hate Homework?

Do you believe in Law of Attraction? I just finished writing my previous blog about my view about education and my handphone rang. It was my friend who called to ask my opinion how to handle a case related to a boy who hates homework by purposely "forgetting" to bring homework home, throwing it away or lying to his parents that he does not have any homework. I asked how old the boy is. He replied, "7 years old", which is the admission age to primary school in Malaysia. In other words, he just started his formal education in grade 1 for 6 months and hates homework to the core. It is really puzzled me! I kept shaking my head and feel sorry for this young boy. What have we done to him at this young age? Sigh... ...

I was eager to find out more about this young boy and asked when this incident has taken place. Over the other end of the phone, my friend replied, " since he attended kindergarten last few years". What!? Kindergarten!? Why didn't teachers and parents do something to help over these few years? My friend expressed that no one at home, in school or at nanny's place can tackle this issue. Thus, it becomes so serious over time. Everyone in his immediate environment has surrendered at this point in time. My next question to him was what the boy does after school. I was so shocked to hear the answer that was he watches television programs for hours and hours and this is his hobby and daily routine after school. Sigh... ...

My friend finally popped the last question, "What should the parents do now?" My responses were as follow. First, stop introducing any more homework to him. Second, find someone either nanny, parent or teacher to spend some time on daily basis to play with him and explore what he really likes. Third, understand the real purposes of teaching. We shouldn't just follow the syllables to teach him through one means that is usually copying and writing in the authoritative way. Make learning fun! If it is a math homework teaching counting or addition, use his favourite toys to count and make addition into a game to play with him. If it is a language homework that requires him to memorize the name of the objects, make it into a card game or even treasure hunt. The objective is to teach in a fun and meaningful way!

All children love to explore and learn by their nature. If a kid shows resistance to learning, it is time to re-examine what learning is all about and why we want him/her to learn. I will end my writing here with this last phrase -- LOVE is the answer for all questions if you truly understand and apply it.


leonnie said...

Hello! So happy for you. Went to the website and it's just awesome. Reminds me a lot of the book about Totto Chan. Couldn't wait for my education over here to finish and go to Malaysia to look at the farm.

Go Nature said...

Hi Leonnie, my dream is to run a school in nature. Ya, something similar to Totto Chan, Warden II and Forest Elementary School; it is just simply awesome! Sending the signal to Universe and found a few new friends who also share the same idea. Life is just fantastic having the dream comes true! You are always welcome to visit me when you are back here.